Our Philosophy

Child development is best supported by allowing children to explore and learn naturally within safe environments. Child development is further enhanced through careful guidance from responsible, loving adults.

We believe in making children and their families feel warmly welcomed and well cared for; and we work together with parents to cultivate and nurture their children’s innate abilities.

Equality, respect, and cultural diversity are core to our early childhood education values and practices, and are reflected and reinforced by teaching children emotional and social interactive skills, which is very important for their future success in school, and in life in general.

Our curriculum is emergent-based and inspired by each and every child’s own experiences, interests, and ideas. As teachers and caregivers, we learn right along with the children from their current life events and suggestions, as they have opportunities to express themselves through their continuous interaction with, and coaching from us.

Child development, by definition, also includes physical nourishment and philosophically believing “food is love,” especially good wholesome quality food. We prepare and serve the children nutritious and mostly organic meals every day they are with us.